Home Forums Dogs My JRT Vomits Blood at Night after Eating Garbage

My JRT Vomits Blood at Night after Eating Garbage

Published on: August 02, 2023 • By: gabstephen · In Forum: Dogs
August 02, 2023 at 05:09pm
Hello - I am trying to determine the severity of this situation. A few nights ago my 11-year-old, 10lb Jack Russel Terrier got into the trash and ate some old leftovers, including some chicken wings. That night he threw up and had diarrhea, and eventually went to sleep. The next day he was energetic, had a good appetite (I gave him some softer food for his upset stomach) and he drank plenty of water. That night he began throwing up again. I work from home so I am able to monitor him during the day. He has only been throwing up late at night. Yesterday was the same — energetic, even running around the yard, healthy appetite, and drank plenty of water. Then at night same thing — began throwing up. This time it appeared there was some bright red blood in the vomit (not a ton, but definitely there). The only reason I haven't taken him to the vet is because he hasn't been lethargic and he's been eating and drinking water. But now that this has gone on for several nights I'm becoming increasingly concerned. What could be causing this? I also have two other JRTs and they haven't been showing any similar symptoms though they did all get into the trash together. Have since switched to a heavy metal trashcan with lid for all food waste.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 06, 2023 at 12:01am
Hello!  I'm afraid that it's possible - and not unusual - that all three dogs got into the trash, but that only one ate the bit of meat that had gone off the most, or developed pancreatitis, or swallowed a foreign body such as a bone.  The pattern that you are describing is not normal and may merit further investigation or treatment.  The very act of repeated vomiting can cause dehydration / electrolyte imbalance, for example.   It's great to hear that you have been proactive about the trashcan and, if the symptoms have not resolved, we would urge you to visit or revisit your vet.
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