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Please help !!

Published on: September 09, 2023 • By: kmm7 · In Forum: Dogs
September 09, 2023 at 01:32am
Tonight I was petting my dog on his head by his ear when I noticed what felt like a crusty scab. When I pushed the hair aside I saw what looks like a pretty big open wound with many little scabs on it. I got really freaked out because I don’t know what could have caused this.. I haven’t seen any blood anywhere and he hasn’t seemed injured at all.  If he had an injury that caused this, wouldn’t there have been blood? This is the first time I have noticed it and I’m just wondering what it could be. It doesn’t seem to cause him pain because he let me touch the area without any problems. Does anyone know what this could be ?CD627DBE-3FBA-4232-A050-E344F186922F780BA1A9-A7F4-4569-8676-A10CE9D857F7
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 09, 2023 at 09:40am
Hello - I could call this superficial dermatitis, but that might be a possible description rather than a diagnosis.  It looks as though the superficial (surface) skin at the base of the hair has been damaged.  Typically this can happen in skin folds, where it is hot and moist and skin rubs against skin.  Discharges from the ear can sometimes exacerbate it and sometimes eg yeasts can settle in.  Other possibilities may include infection (rarely eg ringworm / viral rashes) or direct trama (eg from scratching an itchy ear, or starting as a scratch or insect bite, or from discharges sitting against it).  Sometimes the affected area grows sideways eg if being scratched or bothered at.   Your vet might take a look at the ear to see whether anything in there could be inviting scratching.  They may reccommend an appropriate medicated wash / barrier cream if needed / pain releif / anti parasiticide or anti inflammatory if needed. Therefore we would reccommend a visit.
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