Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello - I wonder whether you have found a caecotroph? Rabbits do two sorts of poo - the darker, dry ones that you are used to seeing and some larger, wetter ones which are generally eaten by the rabbit, and go 'through' the rabbits' body again. These are not diarrhoea but are not usually seen because they are eaten so quickly; sometimes, the question is therefore not 'why does my rabbit have diarrhoea' but, 'why is my rabbit not eating their caecotrophs?'
However, even in this case, it is important to ask the question; healthy rabbits don't tend to leave caecotrophs lying around. Furthermore, rabbits are the sort of animal that, in the wild, would become someone's meal as soon as they showed signs of being ill. Therefore, you don't tend to see a rabbit looking 'poorly' until they really can't hide their weakness any more ie a disease is quite advanced, so never wait for a rabbit to look ill before taking it to (a rabbit-friendly!) vets.