Home Forums Cats Flea eggs

Flea eggs

Published on: October 06, 2023 • By: itstonicha · In Forum: Cats
October 06, 2023 at 01:02pm
Looking for some advice on fleas/eggs. My two cats have been isolated in a room for around two months while I controlled a flea problem. I haven’t seen a flea in a few weeks now, including on the cats. However, in that room, I am finding lots of flea eggs, I know they’re fresh every day as I go around specifically looking for them. I pick them up and flush them then hoover the room. I have treated, bathed and combed the cats and haven’t found a single flea on them. Now surely, they must have at least one somewhere but I cannot for the life of me find it or kill it! What can I do?🫠
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
October 06, 2023 at 08:52pm
Hello - I'm impressed by your determination and refer the an old English proverb, of looking for a needle in a haystack. Flea eggs are extremely tiny and it must be virtually impossible to physically identify and remove every last one from your cats.  I suspect that there are flea eggs being laid somewhere eg on the cats or soft furnishings, which can and do make more fleas within as short a time as two days.   Eggs can survive away from the pet and can lie dormant for some time.  Therefore, thorough hoovering is reccommended on a daily basis and chemical flea treatments are generally needed.  Most flea strategies combat more than one stage of the flea lifecycle, and need to be reapplied consistently, in order to remain effective.  We strongly reccomnend talking to your nurse about the best way to combat fleas in your own, specific household.
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