Home Forums Cats Anaesthesia for WPW Cat

Anaesthesia for WPW Cat

Published on: October 16, 2023 • By: Fs · In Forum: Cats
October 16, 2023 at 09:04pm
My cat has Wolf Parkinson White syndrome and takes Sotalol. We have been told he is getting bad calculus and inflammation of the gums, and will need to go under anaesthetic for cleaning. We are worried about the risks of this, given his condition. He is 7 years old and just a little overweight. Any ideas about risk/mortality rates? Any other guidance or comments welcome.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
October 17, 2023 at 06:49pm
Hello - it sounds as though you already have one clinician, if not a cardiologist too, in charge of this case.   If there is a separate cardiologist involved, it would definitely be worthwhile getting their input.  There is always a risk to a GA in any patient and in cases where circulation is abnormal, this risk will potentially be increased.  It is your veterimary teams' responsibility to consider the benefits of cleaning the teeth vs said risks, and to reccommend a course of action for the particular patient in front of them. Your clinicians have examined the patient and will understand and make recommendations better than I can hope to from here, but allow me to wish you all the best with making the best decision you can for your pet.
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