Home Forums Cats Rush around nipple

Rush around nipple

Published on: January 29, 2024 • By: dust66 ยท In Forum: Cats
January 29, 2024 at 11:39pm
Hi all.   Our cat had an allergic reaction to an ear cleaner about 6 months ago and her ears were all red and we had to use steroid cream and the ears got fine after a few weeks of that. After that we noticed that her lower belly was a bit red(we could start and see the red skin through her belly fur). After a couple of months she had been over grooming and all the fur in the lower belly was gone! So we started her on hypoallergenic food and now it's much better with the fur starting to grow again. The thing is that in the last maybe month or so she over grooms quite aggressively around her left nipple...to the point that very occasionally there is a little bit of blood. She is indeed a bit of a stressful kitty, so the vet gave us some mild sedative pills to give her. I think it's getting better but now looking At the photos I took I think I can see very little black dots around there. Could it actually be fleas and we missed seeing them at the vets? If you zoom in you should be able to see them. Any advice appreciated ๐Ÿ™   Thanks!PXL_20240129_220240584
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