Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Your cat currently sounds to have an uncomfortable mouth with a high risk that it will carry further consequences when they are even older. Offering a GA to a cat at any age is a trade-off: is the extra pressure on the body justified by the improvement that your vet could make? What could go wrong? What are the likelihoods? What will the quality of life be like if this is not done? It is actually very easy to ignore toothache in a cat, not least because they evolved many fewer of the behavioural signs of pain that humans show, so the level of discomfort can be hard to appreciate. However, if that were my mouth, I would want it to receive some attention. I think that my next step would be to quiz the vet about the surgery; do they feel confident? Could they get a second opinion? With your cats' wealfare at the forefront, who is the most skilled person locally with the best tools to assess the situation and to carry it out? Can the cat stay on fluids for support while the operation is being done? I hope that something here helps.