7 year old Rottie (my baby) came up lame after catching ball in park 2 months ago, happened before and disappeared, hasn't this time. Much worse to the point the point of him barely wanting to use it, limps so badly at times it seems broken.
Osteo X-Rays have come up negative twice, done a month apart after seeing a specialist. Blood work negative, doesn't seem to have a tear of the obvious ligaments that normally would be injured. When I pressed the specialist for an answer after the assessment she believed something more nefarious was going on in the joint/nerves of right front shoulder IE; Cancer. To be fair, I wanted her honest diagnosis.
Next step would be CT Scan but it's pricey and might just confirm diagnosis. Increased muscle wastage of Bicep and Tricep is noted, more than what would occur from lack of usage. Currently on medication for pain and anti-inflammatory, his exercise has been reduced down only the shortest of walks (10 minutes and slow) at most twice a day.
I don't know what to do. Money is always a consideration, but if someone told me I needed to do ligament surgery too, I'd do it tomorrow. It's hard to commit to paying for something so nebulous at this point when maybe the answer is it's unfixable and paying 4-7k would only confirm that.
Any help is appreciated. I love him and am at a loss at this point.