Home Forums Dogs 8 y/o female labradog in heat, in pain, lethargic and barely eating

8 y/o female labradog in heat, in pain, lethargic and barely eating

Published on: August 15, 2024 • By: antoniu200 · In Forum: Dogs
August 15, 2024 at 09:07pm
Hello, The title probably describes symptoms caused by many illnesses, however we are very worried. This has been going on for the last week, as follows:
  • 8th of August: she woke up unusually lethargic, looking horrible, but after a couple of minutes, she was back to her energic self, running and playing. That evening, she did not eat her full dinner: left a couple grains (the dry food stuff, dk the colloquial term in English) uneaten, which is very unusual, she usually eats her food with quite some appetite.
  • 9th of August: in the middle of the day, we were surprised to find her water bucket completely empty, just two days after being filled (the 7th). It's a 50 liter bucket, after all, and she has no way of spilling it, it's fixed tight in the ground. She started being lethargic and, throughout the day, barely ate a fist of dry food and some soup, in total maybe half her daily portion.
  • 10th of August: we called the vet, who told us Bella (the dog) could have a slew of different problems, so we should bring her in on the 12th for a full set of blood tests. The vet also noted that Bella was in heat, judging by her swollen vulva and leaks, and gave us some pills to reduce her inflammation, which she ate in an instant. However, that afternoon, she barely ate anything - maybe just our cat's food.
  • 11th of August: By the vet's advice, we bought some wet food, 12 packs of 100g each. Bella ate about 6 that day and another fist of dry food, but right after eating, she started being lethargic again, and kept being like that throughout the rest of the day. Our neighbour, who is also a vet, paid us a visit to see the dog as well, and he said her behaviour is probably caused simply by being in heat. She also refused to eat one of her anti-inflammatory pills (she was supposed to have 2).
  • 12th of August: Our neighbour consulted with our vet (we did not ask for that) and they decided to postpone our dog's vet visit to the 14th. Bella was a bit more energic than the day before, ate a chicken wing and the cat's food again, maybe 1/4 of her normal meal, but refused to take any anti-inflammatory pills. We asked the vet if they can provide us with anti-inflammatory shots and they said they will provide us with some the next day.
  • 13th of August: After the vet provided us with 3 syringes loaded with anti-inflammatory medication (one a day), we gave Bella one. She was more energic than the last few days, ate two chicken wings and the cat's food once again (1/3 of her normal meal).
  • 14th of August: In the morning, the vet asked us how Bella was. We said she was fine yesterday and she was looking like she was slowly getting better, so the vet decided not to do any blood tests. However, to our disappointment, Bella ate nothing this day. Absolutely nothing. We tried to feed her soup, chicken, the cat's food, absolutely nothing worked. She drank water and laid down the whole day. We gave her the anti-inflammatory shot, but that did not help with her mood.
  • 15th of August (today): Holiday. And our dog is still refusing to eat. Our neighbor is gone for today, so he cannot help, the vet is not answering his phone. Bella ate nothing to this point. She looks very weak, unsurprisingly.
Honestly, we are afraid. We are in doubt this is caused just by being in heat. Two days of no food is not alright, especially after previous days of poor eating. Any suggestions? Let me know if I can provide any other info to help. Thank you!
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 15, 2024 at 11:30pm
Hello - has your vet suggested any tests to find the cause of this?  I wonder, for example, whether they have ruled pyometra out ("infection" of the womb, a five-minute ultrasound scan might rule in or out).  This can be an emergency so is worth asking your vet or emergency vet about.  If there is any chance that she might have mated, a complicated pregnancy could be another.  There are many other things I cannot rule out online and given that your dog is not eating and seems very weak, calling the emergency vet right now would be a good idea, in case they feel she needs to be urgently seen.
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