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Stool issue

Published on: August 23, 2024 • By: kingsdog1 · In Forum: Dogs
August 23, 2024 at 11:26pm
Need advice black lab 15 months old great dog has drank from standing rain puddles water at dog park tried not to let him but he does ( has done it before) and then he played with a dog at park the other day who I noticed dropped his but and then dragged it twice and I took my dog and left but prior to seeing that dog do that they were playing sniffing licking and now my dog has gaseous diarrhea but his energy is still high and he seems to be fien with the exception of being gassy and the diarrhea Today when i got home and he gor home from his daycare( i did let daycare know he had diarrhealast night) I inquired about his stools they couldnt remember ) they arent diarrhea today but yellowish brown and usually they are brown normal stool colors not like this Any suggestions please and thank youIMG_8947IMG_8946
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 24, 2024 at 08:03pm
Hello there!  This could be something or nothing.  Faeces do change colour occasionally, depending on factors such as the diet, for example amount or type of fibre, the bacterial levels, pigments in vegetation and fluid levels in the poo.  Colour change can also relate to blood in the faces (red to black, depending on how much of the blood has been digested), the amount of bilirubin in the faeces (yellow / orange - a breakdown product of red blood cells being deposited in the gut from the liver) and so on.  A small amount of colour change is sometimes to be expected, especially when the diet varies or patients are scavengers.  However, consistent or regular changes to the faeces - either in colour or consistency - may be noteworthy and should be shown to the vet.
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