Home Forums Dogs senior GSD crying out at random while running.

senior GSD crying out at random while running.

Published on: August 24, 2024 • By: ktimerding · In Forum: Dogs
August 24, 2024 at 06:31am
hello vets, hate to be on this side of things but i suppose it happens to everyone at some point. i am unemployed and without income at this time although i am fervently trying to get hired somewhere. i have poor credit and in fact already owe scratchpay money so trust me when i say credit based financing is not an option for me. i know the answer is "go see a vet," i suppose i am just looking for some thoughts on what may be at play. i understand you cannot diagnose over the internet, just seeking thoughts. i have an 8yo FS GSD. neurotic and itchy but otherwise no health issues. UTD on vax, bloodwork done in May, all 100% unremarkable. for about a week she has been, at random, crying out while she runs. she is very much as energetic as she was as a puppy, so zoomies are frequent in this house. it is a single cry and then she carries on as if nothing happened. her nails are too long (this is not a dog i can trim the nails of on my own - she is extremely fear reactive and it is only getting worse as she ages) so i thought she had broken one but although they are long they seem fine and are all intact. nothing seems painful on palpation. no lameness. i imagine she will need radiographs. i had her hips screened last october and they looked great, phenomenal in fact when considering her age. could that have drastically changed within the past year? could this be the development of arthritis? i would not be surprised, but would she still be sprinting around like a puppy if she was arthritic? could the long nails still be a factor even if none are broken? i guess i'm just not sure what could be going on and in the absence of being able to go get radiographs right now am just seeking insight. i will get her in as soon as i possibly can. thank you for your time.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 24, 2024 at 08:19pm
Hello and thank you for this interesting question - I feel your frustration about the financial side of things.  Crying out to me does suggest some momentary / sharp pain, which can come from the joints, from the abdomen (with certain movements), from the paws, from the fur or the skin.  Thus the possibilities range from pancreatitis to a hidden wound under the belly, to a seed caught between the toes.  Certainly, a long nail with a crack in the base, consistently being caught in a certain way, could cause this; as could a nail being pushed into the quick or into the skin when the patient weight-bears.  Given that you are describing a GSD of a certain age, arthritic or muscular change may also be on the differentials list.  Claw clipping may be helpful, but should only be attempted if you were to be confident and safe in doing this.  Your vet will want to examine the patient and try to narrow down the possible causes to a likely short-list.  They might watch the patient walk, examine the feet and legs, and ask to radiograph, try pain relief or discuss exercise changes, foot care, diet change (in pancreatitis) etc.  Regarding vets' fees, your situation is not uncommon and your vet should know better than to give you a hard time - rather, if you call, they may know if there are charities or shelters in the area who may be able to help to keep costs down, or they might try to help you to triage for urgency.  Attitudes and prescribing norms do vary across countries and across states.  Wishing you both the best of luck.
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