Home Forums Dogs Sutures


Published on: September 01, 2024 • By: EmilyAbbott · In Forum: Dogs
September 01, 2024 at 06:04pm
On Wednesday my dog had surgery to remove 4 bladder stones, one of which was blocking her urethra. I’ve been monitoring and checking her suture site every day. Just wondering if this is normal healing, or if it’s opened? IMG_1057IMG_1047IMG_1051
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 01, 2024 at 06:44pm
Hello - one place looks to be more open than the suture line elsewhere along the wound.  It may be that that a bit of suture material is being pushed out like a foreign body as it dissolves and that the wound will heal beautifully underneath it.   It could be that the wound has been scraped and come open a bit; this can be fine if then continues to heal normally, but less so if it gets scratched / infected / opens further, where upon it could be the start of a problem.  This is another vets' case and I have insufficient context or authority to assess the wound.  If any surgical wound becoming increasingly open or getting 'worse', or the next layer down / the muscle looks theatened, or if a discharge starts, or it is being licked, then your vet should see it sooner rather than later.
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