Home Forums Dogs Sarcoma & Radiation

Sarcoma & Radiation

Published on: September 20, 2024 • By: AdrienneF315 · In Forum: Dogs
September 20, 2024 at 10:11am
Hello My dog had a soft tissue sarcoma tumor removed. electro chemotherapy was performed and she was doing great, & had clean scans 2 months ago. Sadly a new growth appeared and it has tested positive for a reocurrance of the cancer. The oncologist recommended we remove the growth and that radiation would be her best option. Unfortunately, where I live there is not a single facility in the state that does radiation. So I am looking to travel with my dog to get her treatment. Because of all the logistics involved, it's hard to get a lot of information dealing with multiple facilities.  so I'm looking for any information...  I would really appreciate...  On how long after her surgery it is safe to begin radiation? & any insight on if radiation is 3 days a week or 5? and for how long I've been calling different places and I just feel like I get a lot of different answers, in the planning process.  I know there's probably not one definitive answer based on each case, but I'm just trying to set some travel plans and get her situated. 
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