Home Forums Cats Brown patch under cat chin

Brown patch under cat chin

Published on: September 26, 2024 • By: alexacb99 · In Forum: Cats
September 26, 2024 at 02:09am
I noticed my tuxedo cat seems to have a brown patch of fur under their chin and was wondering if anyone knew what it could be. I’m also not sure if it just looks brown because the hair is sparse there. Google says it could be feline acne but I don’t feel any bumps and he eats from a stainless steel bowl. Thanks everyoneIMG_1850
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 28, 2024 at 11:12am
Hello - I believe that this sort of thing can come from the sunlight, but it would be a very strange place for that!  Is this a patch of normal-seeming different coloured hair growing from normal skin, or could there be a skin condition?  In the latter case, Malassezia infection or acne from leaning over any kind of bowl, could be a possibility.  If this is normal hair that has become discoloured, it may be worth being aware of the possibility of endocrine (hormonal) or cancerous changes going on, so please speak to your vet.  Of course, some cats are simply brown under there.
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