Home Forums Cats Boney mass on left front paw

Boney mass on left front paw

Published on: September 28, 2024 • By: jennytog · In Forum: Cats
September 28, 2024 at 01:36pm
Hello vets, my 13yo fixed male ragdoll cat has a small bone-like mass on his left paw. His chest x-rays were normal. He has no pain or difficulty walking; jumping. I would appreciate your opinion on what it could be and if it could be a benign issue.thank you.IMG_1753
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 28, 2024 at 04:22pm
Hello -  Despite the disappointing sentence that will follow this one, please read to the end of this reply.  I am afraid that we do not give second opinions  on this site; it is professional bad manners for a vet who doesn't know as much about the case as the first vet, to then profess to know better.  However, I suspect that there was big news here and understand that you would like a second opinion.  A good way to get one of these would be to ask your vet; they will completely understand why you want reassurance and could send the radiographs and clinical observations / notes  to a colleague, specialist or even perhaps a pathologist.  It is good news that the lungs are clear but some lung changes can be smaller that the radiograph can 'see'.    What is your vets' plan from here?
September 28, 2024 at 05:34pm
Thanks for your reply. He’s still being assessed and I will do everything possible to help him. I posted here in case some insight can be provided in the meantime. I want to be as proactive as possible. Mostly wondering if benign tumors are a possibility?
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