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Swanspool Veterinary Clinic

Home > United Kingdom > North Northamptonshire > Wellingborough

Swanspool Veterinary Clinic

Independently owned
Best UK Vet 2024 Awards Best in Northamptonshire
  • Small Animals
  • Equine
  • Farm animals
1 London Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 2BT

About us

Founded in 1874, we are a long established RCVS Accredited practice with 8 dedicated small animal vets and 5 ambulatory equine and large animal vets.

Here at Swanspool, our Equine vets provide a 24 hour, 365 days a year professional service for our clients, so if you do need to see a vet outside of our normal visit times, you will see one of our own vets! Guaranteed!

From routine consultations and operations to emergency treatment, our Small Animal team are also there for your pet. We provide a Small Animal out of hours emergency service until 10pm weekdays and 4pm on Bank Holidays and weekends. To ensure continuity of care for your pet, we are proud to offer 24 hour hospital inpatient care so your pet will be cared for overnight by one of our team of dedicated nurses. Our late/overnight out of hours cases are directed to a local, dedicated night service. We pride ourselves in continuing to work as a close knit team despite growing considerably over the past 15 years. Many of our vets are long standing, accumulating over 160 years of experience at this practice alone! For more information about the many services we provide, please visit our website

We also have dedicated Small Animal and Equine Facebook pages, so please follow us for lots of useful information, interesting cases and of course plenty of cute pictures! Small Animal Facebook and Equine Facebook

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