Home Forums Cats 10yo female Norwegian forest cat

10yo female Norwegian forest cat

Published on: November 15, 2021 • By: ellie-bolton@hotmail.co.uk · In Forum: Cats
November 15, 2021 at 06:49pm
Hi, my 10 year old female Norwegian first cat does this weird cough/sneeze (sometimes it’s louder and faster than the video like an attack) It’s been happening on and off for the last 3 - 4 years initially I thought it was a reverse sneeze but seems to be happening more frequently (multiple times a day). Unsure if it’s related but she also sneezed blood a few months back. She also had an eye infection earlier in the year again not sure if it’s related. She has been to the vets and had Blood test X-ray of head to check nose/mouth Teeth scaled and polished (Incase that caused the irritation in the nasal passage) one vet said they needed pulling out but the 2nd vet that x-rayed said didn’t need pulling out Antibiotic injection Steroid tablets for 10 days Tried a hairball eliminator paste from pets at home I have a video of her doing it but it won’t allow me to upload due to the size but happy to send via email, thanks in advance!
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
November 15, 2021 at 07:33pm
Hello!   I'm a little confused by the order of things - it sounds as though the sneezing has continued to develop since the radiograph / head examination?  Did you have this done before the blood was seen, or afterwards?   Has it been seen since?   It sounds as though this case is being closely monitored by your vet and that they, having seen the images and examined your cat, will be making the best decisions that they can.  What is it that you would like to know from us?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
November 15, 2021 at 07:39pm
Often when an extraction has been planned, dental radiographs will show the socket of the tooth in detail and help the vet to decide for definite whether or not removal is needed.   Sometimes what looks like a necessary extraction in the mouth of a moving cat in the consultation room looks okay when seen close-up in light of the radiographs with any tartar scaled away, for example.  Could this explain the descrepency?   All the best to your cat with the recovery phase and please do let us know how she gets on.
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