Home Forums Cats 12 year cat with fractured hind lower leg

12 year cat with fractured hind lower leg

Published on: January 06, 2022 • By: mamapaprika · In Forum: Cats
January 06, 2022 at 08:45pm
Hello! Our cat is 12 years old with IBS and recently diabetes (he’s been taking prednisone and then that was switched to prednisilone). So he was in some insulin recently. Nonetheless,  He slipped of the couch and broke the tibia and fractured the fibula. It is in a splint now. We were given Staphysagria to help heal the bones. We started giving it right away.   After the break he was great spirits. However, he started to get more lethargic and barely eats. #1) could the staphysagria be making him I’ll? #2) what is the dose range for 25% glutathione injection? Thank you  so much
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 06, 2022 at 09:32pm
Hello! - I'm afraid that we cannot advise you.  Let me get this right....a beloved 12 year old cat, with diabetes, on steroids, now with a broken leg.   At this stage, you must be getting treatment from a vet and they or their emergency equivalents are your first port of call for assessment and treatment.  We do advise that you call them and ask someone to review the case immediately.  Lethargy in a diabetic cat can be a serious sign in need of ongoing careful management, not something we can or should instruct an owner about online.  It is possible that the different meds and conditions that you mention are conflicting / interfering badly with one another.  If your vet is fully involved at this point and knows everything that is going on and needs back up, they will have a procedure for arranging referrals and obtaining second opinions as required, for example from senior or referral vets.  At this stage, this would be a better way forward than asking a first opinion vet online.  Please do let us know how things go.
January 08, 2022 at 12:24am
Thank you , our vet is involved absolutely:) we are all just trying to research and find out what other Vets have experienced with cases as ours.  Today he is more energetic and has walked to his litter box on his own :) and has eaten more :).  So we still would like to know the 2 questions we have asked above, many thanks :)
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 08, 2022 at 05:18pm
Hello!  We are pleased to hear that you are getting and following veterinary advice.  As a UK vet I cannot prescribe doses of substances for your cat, who is clearly under the care of another vet, and haven't checked these doses.  You will need to refer to them for the dose range of any treatment that you give.  If they have already given a dose of a substance and you wish to query it, you should go back to them; not of us are infallible and a vet should be able to tell you how they arrived at a dose.  Regarding the Saphysagria, the Veterinary Poisons information Service will advise about toxic doses of most substances.  As ever, we do not recommend given anything without running it by your responsible veterinary surgeon.  Best of luck.
January 09, 2022 at 12:06am
Hello! Thank you , completely appreciate your points. And we are continuing. However, we are looking for other experiences from other individuals with using glutathione…ie, what have you found re: glutathione with your feline patients? Is there a Veterinary book of medicines/pharmaceuticals? (This seems to be no where ??? Which seems very odd ? :/
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