Home Forums Cats Abnormal behaviour, stomach issues?

Abnormal behaviour, stomach issues?

Published on: April 22, 2022 • By: appledcrumble · In Forum: Cats
April 22, 2022 at 11:56am
Just to clarify, I will be taking my cat to the vets very soon. I just want to have some sort of idea of what's going on with her. I have a 2 year old cat called Kitty. She used to be very loving and was very sociable. But all of a sudden all of this changed. I think it all started when she started vomiting up what looked a bit like fur balls with a little bit of your typical puke. She hates being touched, especially around her belly/lower back area, she's extremely grumpy and gets irritated by my other cats. Most times when she gets picked up, she poos and wees EVERYWHERE. I've found little drips of what I assume is wee trailing to the litter box in my hallway. Its been like this for about 2 months. She also eats a lot more than she used to, she's constantly wanting food at meal times. I'm pretty sure it isn't worms as she gets de-wormed. Please can someone give me an idea of what it could be. I know I'll find out anyway but I want to know what to expect. I'm really worried
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 22, 2022 at 07:54pm
Hello!  I'm glad that you're going to the vets.  At this point, there are lots of possibilities - it would need more questions and tests to come up with a diagnosis.  I wonder about some quite serious possibilities, including  diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, liver disease, pancreatitis, muscle weaknes, neurological changes or even simply arthritic pain (making it sore to squat / toilet, making her grumpy) or a severe response to stress Hopefully she can see a vet very soon to give you a true answer and get her the treatment that she needs.
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