Lady Boltvinska
my ten years old maltese had a surgery. It was a small operation of one centimeter skin growth. Research lately showed the skin growth wasn't cancer.
My dog was healthy before the operation. Vet made all necessary medical investigations before the operation. All blood parameters were normal. My dog was full od energy and life before the surgery.
After operation dog wasn't feeling good. He get worst day by day. He started vomiting and refusing food. We took him to the vet. He gave him some medicine against vomiting. The vomiting stopped. But he still didn't want to eat. We took him to the veterinary again. Blood test showed acute kidney failure. Vet healed him with infusions, antibiotics, NSAIDs. After one month of treatment...the blood test showed Urea 90+, Crea 400+. There was no hope any more. He fell asleep forever.
How is it possible.... deadly acute kidney failure after operation at healthy dog? Side effect of anesthesia? Overdose of medicine during surgery?
After diagnosis vet healed my dog with NSAID Ficoxil (in directions for this medicine writes: "Do not use for dogs under 3 kg." but my maltese had 2,4 kg), was it right medicine? When my dog get an ulcer on tongue due to renal disfunction, vet healed him with antibiotics Convenia and Cylanic. Was it right medicine for dog with renal disfunction?