Published on: August 08, 2024 • By: octavia · In Forum: Reptiles & Exotics
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August 08, 2024 at 11:23am
African pygmy hedgehog. Can anyone spot anything of concern. She is 2 yrs old. Female.
if you can see anything can you make on the xray as a drawing and explain.
There are some symptoms - periodic blood spotting and blood in urine. She is eating well and weight stable.
Antibiotic treatments given.
Thank you
Hello and thankyou for sharing this interesting picture, although I'm afraid that one thing this site definitely is not, is a second opinion provider for radiographs. Your vet presumably took these pictures as a diagnostic test and interpreted them in the context of the animal in front of them, an animal which they have examined. I have none of that information - or any specialist knowledge of Af Pyg hedgehogs. I am also unlikely to glean better information from a copy of a radiograph than your vet can obtain from the original. Antibiotics are not usually my treatment of choice for blood in the urine without an understanding why the blood is there, so I trust that your vet has more contextual information than I do at this stage. Please could I reccommend asking them directly what they can see and what they would suggest is causing your hedgehog's symptoms; also whether further investigation may be necessary. I would love to hear how you get on.
Given that your hedgehog is female and has blood, it may be that your vet will ask to scan the womb or bladder in order to rule out a pyometra or bladder problems, for example.