Home Forums Dogs Akita 12 yr old seizures advice needed

Akita 12 yr old seizures advice needed

Published on: August 16, 2023 • By: abn89 · In Forum: Dogs
August 16, 2023 at 02:58pm
Hi my 12 yr old Akita has had a few mild seizures. She’s only urinated once when seizing (that we know of as afterwards she try’s to clean her mess up) she went to the vet 15/8/23 and had bloods done. she’s been on and off her food for quite some time she’s not particularly enjoying her walks (I follow her lead of  where and how far she wants to go) she’s drinking so much water.  And they found some hot spots on her face bless her, But she seems so down. Is there anything obvious pointing out here?   thank you
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 16, 2023 at 03:47pm
Hello!  It sounds as though your old lady has quite a few things going on.   Seizures that start in an older age usuually - but not always - have some underlying cause.   Vets can look for this and indeed it sounds as if they tried bloods, perhaps hoping to screen out some physical causes (liver disease can cause seizures for example - depending which bloods they did, there may be more they can test for)  but frequently the problem is within the brain itself eg a lump or bleed and might only be picked up by an MRI scan.  These tend to require a referral and can be expensive.    More to follow
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 16, 2023 at 03:55pm
However, it sounds as though a second problem has developed, which may be connected but doesn't have to be.  This is the potential polydipsia (drinking too much).   Your vet can easily tell whether your dog is over drinking by testing a sample of urine.  There are many possible reasons for it, including  - if she has a womb - pyometra.  Drinking a lot combined with lethargy, particularly in an entire (not speyed) female, may therefore be an emergency and you should contact your vet right away.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 16, 2023 at 03:58pm
Please therefore call your vet and ask to be triaged for an emergency appointment.  Other potential problems include a long list, but diabetes (can also be an emergency), liver disease, cancer, kidney changes and urine infections may be on it.
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