Home Forums Dogs ALT elevated in seemingly healthy 12 yr old pitbull

ALT elevated in seemingly healthy 12 yr old pitbull

Published on: January 20, 2023 • By: brooke · In Forum: Dogs
January 20, 2023 at 09:09pm
My pitbull is 12 years old and has had no real medical issues. She started to get skin spots that looked fungal so we took her to the Vet. Her kidneys look great but her ALT is 237 and her ALK is 4,161. She doesn't show signs of cushings. Is there anything I can give her or change her food to to try and help and then recheck in a couple weeks?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 21, 2023 at 10:18am
Hello - there is a bit of the picture missing here, and it's wearing a stethoscope.   Your vet will have examined your dog head to toe, ordered the tests they wanted to see, and considered the blood results in light of that information.   But you are asking me - a stranger on the Internet (who does admittedly have BVSc MRCVS and lots of experience) what to do next, based only on a couple of numbers and the assurance that your dog is ok.   My question is why?  Has something broken down in the vet-client relationship?  Did the vet reccommend something and you were worried about their answer?  It would be unusual to have got results like this from your vet without a decent discussion attached and I am coming at this out of context.  What have I missed?
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