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Blood in cat stools

Published on: January 10, 2023 • By: sam22xx · In Forum: Cats
January 10, 2023 at 06:44pm
Mucus and blood in poo - what should I do? 852EFD72-55DC-416C-BCA6-DDA1EE1AFBF03D2C3431-ACC7-432B-81B1-AE352A9BAF4C
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 10, 2023 at 07:52pm
1.  Keep an eye on wees to make sure they are visibly blood-free.  Possibly collect a sample if you can do this easily (by not putting litter down or using fake litter, for example). 2.  Report signs to your vet.  They will probably start by making sure that worming and fleaing is up to date (fleaing relates to worm control) and possibly by making sure that the urine is clear if there is any doubt.  This is a good picture to show them.  Particularly if it continues, then they may be interested in checking the red blood cell parameters / checking out the diet and generally examining your cats' abdomen from the outside.  They will also take a history and suggest how to move things forward from there.
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