Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello - and I'm afraid that any male cat struggling to pass urine constitutes an emergency. Toms do become 'blocked' in the urethra - ie the tube running through the penis to the outside world. When this happens, urine 'backs up' as it might behind a blocked tap, and the bladder becomes full behind it. As well as being intensely uncomfortable, this can also be fatal if not treated quickly because the urine can 'back up' as far as the kidneys, causing renal failure.
Now, this may not be what's going on in your cat; I don't know. I haven't examined them. But if they are distressed / straining / unable to pass urine, this is a strong indication for calling the emergency vet. In fact, I would urge you to call anyway, just to be triaged over the phone, so that if you do need to be seen as an emergency, you will be.
If there is no blockage, other possibilities could include cystitis (inflammation) which wouldn't be surprising with the tumour there, and can also be very painful.
Best of luck and please let us know how things go.