Published on: June 27, 2022 • By: Jaade91 · In Forum: Cats
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June 27, 2022 at 07:54pm
Hello, I just noticed my car this morning has a weird bump on her lip. She doesn't seem bothered by it; still eating and drinking as normal, but I can't get her to the vet until 2 weeks. Any thoughts on what this could be?
Hello! The fact is that I can't rule out cancer from here. Cancers can be benign or malignant. However, other possibilities include an insect bite, nettle sting, the start of an abscess, cyst, or an eosinophilic granuloma which often presents like a central thickening, and is linked to allergy - sometimes it can be the only sign. There may also be some virus-related lesions that can look like this. It may help to measure the lesion or photograph it next to your finger so you can see if it is growing or shrinking. If I were the vet, I might well want to either biopsy or aspirate some cells before I made a judgement on this presentation. Best of luck with your girl and please do let us know how you get on.