Published on: December 02, 2024 • By: Tencho · In Forum: Dogs
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December 02, 2024 at 01:34pm
Hi guys, I am from UK but my pet dog is in Nepal. He is a 10-month-old Japanese spitz breed. According to my sister he is sick right now. We have very limited treatment and almost no pet hospital in Nepal. I was wondering if you can give us some advise. I have send my dog medical report as an attachment. Please look into it and let me know. Thanks 🙏🏼
Hi - I'm afraid that I do not have half the information that your vet has; they should have taken a history, determined the nature of the sickness, the sex, the symptoms, clinical condition from examination and thereby be much better placed than me to explain what is going on. EHR positive might be that your dog is positive for Erlichia, but this doesn't always signify an active infection; tests have to be interpreted within the context of the patient. Good quesitons for your vet are: What problems does my dog have? - these could be clinical signs or adverse blood results. THEN: what possibilities could still explain this? What are you doing to narrow down these possibilities? What are you doing to look after my dog's symptoms in the meantime? In general, I find that these questions can help a client to understand what is going on with their dog - or at least, how far your vet has come in working out what is going on and what they need to do next. I hope that you can get to the bottom of this for yourself and your dog.