Home Forums Cats Can I have a second opinion about my cat’s results

Can I have a second opinion about my cat’s results

Published on: July 19, 2022 • By: kalyntn · In Forum: Cats
July 19, 2022 at 08:53am
My cat has been drinking more frequently and excessively, and also using the litter box less and eating less. No diet change, new puppy recently but she hasn’t met the puppy. The vet says is nonspecific inflammation, and told us to just monitor her and try to reduce stress
July 19, 2022 at 09:26am
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 19, 2022 at 11:30am
Usually if an animal was drinking more and more frequently, we would check something known as the Specific Gravity of Urine.  This is done by looking at urine through a special device called a refractometer and tells the vet whether the cat is capable of making concentrated / dilute urine (not possible in some illnesses eg. kidneys), and whether the urine is dilute or concentrated (either extreme) to a point of pathological concern.  They can also test for glucose in the urine (indicates diabetes), for signs of bladder inflammation etc. A lot of concerns are confirmed or disproven from a urine sample.  I wonder whether your vet has seen one?  It is possible to get a special cat litter that doesn't absorb urine, to help in the collection of such a sample.  In the UK at the moment we are having a heat-wave, so it is important for cats to keep their hydration levels under control.  It would be nice if this accounted for your cats' change in urinary habits, but we would recommend letting the vets check a urine sample if they haven't already.     I'm afraid that we do not offer second opinions here;  I am no more specialist in this particular subject than your own vet ought to be.  However, you can ask for a formal second opinion at any time by arranging one through your vet.  Most vets are happy to do this because if they are right, it's good PR that helps to convince an owner of that.  And if they are wrong, then they can learn from it.  Wishing you and your cat all the best and please let us know how you get on
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 19, 2022 at 11:32am
Ah!  I see that the SG has actually been tested and is listed on the second set of results (I couldn't see this at first). What has your vet planned to do next?
July 19, 2022 at 04:56pm
I was prescribed Gabapentin and told to monitor her symptoms and recheck with a primary vet (I took her to urgent care cause I was worried) in 1-2 weeks. I should also try to reduce her stress. But nothing else was mentioned. I just want to know if those are the only things I can do for her.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 19, 2022 at 05:21pm
Certainly reducing stress is no mean fete and I would point you towards Sarah Caney's website and resources about stress / urination / cystitis in cats for that.  There are some on our website blog and some on her own website, icatcare.  Urinary problems are often thought to be linked to stress, which is relatively new science (within my career).  It is also definitely worth that review with your own vet;  the role of an emergency vet is to triage out cases which do not need to be acted on immediately.  However, this may be an important window for catching / understanding any problems that do exist, before such a time as they may become acute problems.  I hope that that helps to some extent.  
July 19, 2022 at 05:28pm
Thank you for your help! I will reach out to my vet.
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