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Cat anus

Published on: December 22, 2022 • By: ilarnah · In Forum: Cats
December 22, 2022 at 10:40pm
Hi! This is an odd thing to ask but I can’t find answers anywhere. Is it normal for my British short hair, tabby cat to have short tabby hair all over his anus opening? He has no pink, no on-show skin, just the little wrinkles to the opening and thick short hair.  The only information I can find about cats anus’ is that if they’re healthy they’ll be pink and discharge free (his is as far as I’m aware discharge free.) I’ve only noticed today, and just want to know if I should be concerned!
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 22, 2022 at 11:47pm
Hello - and thankyou for your question.  I have never encountered this subject before.  Presumably you have done the same slightly uncomfortable internet search that I just did and seen lots of pictures of domestic shorthair cats with what I'd consider to be normal bottoms - a tight, hairless anal rim, often pink,  before the haired skin begins. In British short-hairs, the hair is more dense than on a lot of cats and the skin is dark, so it is usually much harder to see the rim of the anus than these domestic short hairs make it apprear.  They are often very tight and it may appear that there is hair very close to the anus.  I presume that your cat is producing normal poos, not licking, not leaving a mess or straining etc, in which case he needs to be checked.  However, as you are wondering about this, you should definitely ask your vet, who is in a position to check for you - if you say it in a completely unembarrassed way, 'Does his anus look normal to you?  We were a bit worried because we thought there should be more skin there,' they will probably respond in the same sort of tone.  There is a congenital defect called atresia anii in which the hole doesn't form properly, but this would normally be picked up before you buy a kitten and it tends to badly affect their ability to defecate.   I hope that something there helps.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 23, 2022 at 12:09am
Please note that cancers can cause discolouration and / or a mishapen anus so always better to get it checked.
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