My cat (10 years old, female) has been over grooming the back of her leg since Christmas. We've been through 4/5 cycles of her over grooming, having to have a cone on, tablets/cream, healed and then removing the cone only for her to do it again. We have two other cats and a toddler, both cats have been around for at least 2 years and my little boy is 2. There is nothing that has changed that could be triggering stress, she is fed separately from the other cats, has access to a big garden, plenty of toys and hiding places, we're using cat calming plug ins and spot on and it's still happening. She's been to the vets several times but they only give medication to heal the sores on her leg, not get to the root of the problem. I'm at a loss as to what to do with her. She gets very stressed in her carrier when we take her to the vets and it sets her back, she bashes up her face and is very distressed so I'm reluctant to keep taking her back. She can't live in a cycle of cone, medication, heal and then do it again and having the cone on causes her to poo and wee anywhere around the house, I can't have that with a toddler. What else can I do for her? Is it stress or a deeper problem? She shows no symptoms of leg or joint pain, no fleas, ticks or worms