Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello! It sounds as though your cat has a (productive? something coming up??) cough, and as though you don't trust your vet very much. It is therefore very difficult for either of you to make constructive headway on this case. It sounds as though you either need to make a decision to trust your vet, or to change vet, or to ask to be referred elsewhere for a work-up for coughing (e.g. from an expert medical vet).
There are many possible causes for coughing in felines. Hairballs are very common. However as you know, there are also airway disease, tracehobronchitis, lungworm, heartworm (ask vets to use the Latin names if you can, as lungworm and heartworm refer to different parasites in France which can be confusing), asthma, cat flu, pleural effusion, airway obstruction, foreign bodies, fungal disease and so on. Athsma is perhaps one of the most common.
We do not interpret other vets' radiographs and in any case, radiographs should always be viewed in two directions - top-bottom and left-right - to allow thorough interpretation to take place.
At this point, perhaps you could try asking your vet: what could still be causing the coughing? What has been ruled out? What does it make sense to rule out next? How would they like to achieve it? Are they happy with the abdomen? What possible / reasonable options are there from here?
Allergies, I'm afraid, can indeed develop over time.
I hope that this gives you something to work with.