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Cat disturbing the birds

Published on: August 11, 2021 • By: Alirazza · In Forum: Cats
August 11, 2021 at 09:31am
Hi, I am a big fan of the wild birds, and always use the different bird feeders to attract the different species of the song birds in my garden. Currently, I am using the nectar feeders to attract the hummingbirds. But unfortunately, some cats are causing too much disturbance for the lovely hummingbirds. They just come to my feeder and distracted by the cats already there. Please let me know if anyone experienced here who can help me to resolve these issues. Thank You!
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 11, 2021 at 03:23pm
Hello!  I would have thought that your feeder company should be able to help you to build ones on a tall pole that cats find difficult to access?  If not perhaps you could suggest it to them. This is something to discuss with the feeder company rather than a vet. I don't know whether there are frequencies of vibration that disturb insects but not cats, that can be fitted to cat collars.  Hope you a solution that suits you !
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 11, 2021 at 03:23pm
Hello!  I would have thought that your feeder company should be able to help you to build ones on a tall pole that cats find difficult to access?  If not perhaps you could suggest it to them. This is something to discuss with the feeder company rather than a vet. I don't know whether there are frequencies of vibration that disturb insects but not cats, that can be fitted to cat collars.  Hope you a solution that suits you !
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 11, 2021 at 03:23pm
Hello!  I would have thought that your feeder company should be able to help you to build ones on a tall pole that cats find difficult to access?  If not perhaps you could suggest it to them. This is something to discuss with the feeder company rather than a vet. I don't know whether there are frequencies of vibration that disturb insects but not cats, that can be fitted to cat collars.  Hope you a solution that suits you !
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