Home Forums Cats Cat ear infection

Cat ear infection

Published on: April 06, 2023 • By: nomadblue · In Forum: Cats
April 06, 2023 at 05:16am
Hello vets, My cat was prescribed an ear ointment (dermotic) .4ml 2x a day for 10 days due to an ear infection (sample came back as yeast) I am unsure if I am administering the ointment correctly. The side of her face is oily so it’s definitely running down from each ear while she seems to be in pain when I administer the drops. I try to massage the area after administering and allow her to shake her head. I was told to administer the drops right behind what looks like the tragus. Is this correct or could I be administering improperly? I am unsure if she will manage for another 8 days (16 doses in each ear) based on the behaviors I’m seeing from her. She’s incredibly scared and purring which I’m sure is due to the pain. She’s also refusing to be near me and hiding. She was compliant at the vet but shes getting very stressed and reverting to how she was as a feral kitten. Is there an alternative to the ointment?
April 06, 2023 at 05:17am
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 06, 2023 at 08:18am
Hello - you have a long time to go still and it sounds as though your cat is finding this experience uncomfortable.  Give your vet a call - this isn't easy and your vet nurse can show you how to handle your cat efficiently to get it done.  They might even supply pain releif and talk you through any alternatives that they have available.  Im not sure which hole myself from the picture - its the hole that isnt blind-ending, if that helps.  There are ways of wrapping and retraining a cat, but this isn't easily explained on a talk board I'm afraid!
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