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Cat got spayed

Published on: June 13, 2023 • By: suzannemitchell80 · In Forum: Cats
June 13, 2023 at 10:24pm
My cat got spayed on Friday and she is non stopping meowing like she's still.in heat I took her to the vet and they gave me gabapentin for pain and we gave her the gabapentin but she is still meowing constantly all night and all day and following my mom everywhere she goes she can't even work cause the cats just all in her face and meowing to her even after we gave her the gabapentin is she Gonna be like this forever or did they do something to my cat she's never in 3 years of her life meowed this much it's killing me.idk what to do for her
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 14, 2023 at 07:18pm
Hello - I wonder if your cat was speyed at a particular phase of her heat cycle and is under the influence of a flood of hormones, or whether she may be in pain?  It sounds as though your vets are trying to give pain releif to rule this second, concerning possibility out.  There is also a lot of emotional upheaval involved in a trip to the hospital which may be contributimg.  This is not normal but not unheard of either, especially if she was in heat at the time of being speyed;  please do keep your vets up to date with her progress so that they can check her more frequently should they have any concerns.
June 20, 2023 at 09:23pm
it’s really hard to hear your cat mewo like that and you don’t know what’s going on with him
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