Published on: August 30, 2021 • By: brittanycascio · In Forum: Cats
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August 30, 2021 at 08:28pm
Vets and vet techs only please!!
For the last week, my 4YO female cat has not been eating much at all. Brought her to the hospital Wednesday and they ran some blood work. Got the results and the vet said that only her ALT levels were high and he was concerned for her liver. He gave me some hepato-support liquid vitamins to see if they help. These are her results. Xrays were also done during follow up appointment. Can you please tell me what the issue could be? She is still not eating much and seems very distant.
Hello! In the UK at least, interpretation normally comes within the price and context of taking x-rays or bloods, as one is not much use without the other! Thus I feel in this case that I am missing the vital part of the story. Where is your cat now - and how is she? Does your vet feel that they know what to do next, or that they need help in interpreting the pictures? If the latter, it is normal for the vet themselves to refer the pictures, perhaps to a specialist, or possibly to the emergency team who will look after the pet out of hours. It is not usual to expect to get such a service online without your vets' consent and we don't particularly support that practice. What is the plan going forward?
Meanwhile, it pays to know - is your cat in pain and is she getting pain relief? Is the adequately hydrated and if not, is she getting fluid support? What does your vet feel may be going on and how are they going to rule out ongoing differentials? How urgent do they feel it is? It reads to me a though you and them need a long chat / case review. Best of luck!
Meanwhile, it pays to know - is your cat in pain and is she getting pain relief? Is the adequately hydrated and if not, is she getting fluid support? What does your vet feel may be going on and how are they going to rule out ongoing differentials? How urgent do they feel it is? It reads to me a though you and them need a long chat / case review. Best of luck!
Hello vets! She is at home being treated with cerenia once a day and mirataz once a day. She has started eating more now but is still not 100%. She has received subcutaneous fluids once. I am Giving her wet food to help with some hydration and she is drinking water. She did seem to be in pain but doesn’t seem to be now. The vet didn’t see any significant findings in the xrays. But I was Wondering if anything stood out to you. She has had pancreatitis in the past but Her symptoms this time around don’t seem to be the same as when she had pancreatitis.