Home Forums Cats Cat paw infection?

Cat paw infection?

Published on: July 21, 2022 • By: kerryfd · In Forum: Cats
July 21, 2022 at 04:13pm
Hi vets! I recently adopted a cat who we think was originally a stray. I've only had him for 2 months but in that time he's had a couple of issues. The main one being this issue with his paws. His paw swells up but he doesn't have any issue with walking on them and there is a black/brown sort of discharge (but it's dried) between his pads and it has a really strong fishy odour. The first pic is the most recent development on his left paw, the second pic is what seems to have cleared up from his right paw. (The black spot on the actual pad is a marking, otherwise his paws should be white). 20220720_122607 20220720_122612 He was given an antibiotic injection and metacam with the first issue which seemed to help but not clear it, then 3 weeks later, the same thing has occurred with his other paw. He is a house cat but obviously because he's come from the street, we don't know his history. (He also has a permanent cloudy film over one of his eyes, not sure if relevant but pic added just in case). FB_IMG_1658317046411 The next step is cytology but I'm just wondering if anyone has come across this before? Some kind of fungal infection? My vets seemed kinda stumped.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 22, 2022 at 12:25pm
Hello - and don't worry.  It is not uncommon for vets to be stumped.  We cannot - and do not - know every feature of every body system of the five main species of animal and many variations besides.  I make this strange statement because it is not unusual for the public to regard vets as a font on knowledge about their pets, but that is not what a good vet is.  A good vet can spot something different, correctly prioritise it's urgency and make the right moves to get a diagnosis or to find out what to do about it.  This way, we can deal with anything, not just the diseases we have heard of! So.... Your cat.  I am not sure what is going on here either.  Eye presentations are often quite serious and it would be worthwhile having your vet consult an expert on this - this photo doesn't really show me what I want to see, but if your vet were to describe the lesion medically to an opthalmologist for example (what is the pupil doing?  Where is the lesion?  How clear is the iris detail etc), or even consult texts - they would probably be able to get to the answer.  Iris tumours / uveitis can be a concern but I really can't see enough to comment and neither is it my role.  The skin issue may also be a yeast infection, but the change in the colouration of the paw looks different to that.  Again, your vet has the edge on me because they can see this in person - and if they don't know what to do, they will know a helpful pathologist from whom they may be able to find out.  There may be sonething underlying linking the two things for example. Best of luck - and please do let us know.
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