Feb 14, First visit = cat has stuffy nose, coughing 4-5 times a day, each cough is continuous coughs around 10-20 times. Administrated 14 days antibiotics and eye drops for mildly swollen eyes. (Doxycycline 25mg 1x a day, famcyclovir 62.5 mg 1x a day, ofloxacin) cat around 2.2 kg
Results: after 14 days no coughing or swollen eyes after, but after stopping meds 4 days later, started coughing again
March 4, Second visit: gave 10 days of antibioics as follow-up, slightly more dose because cat gained weight, dr says should be better within 3-4 days, if not then come back immediately (bromhexine 2mg 1x a day, Doxycycline 25mg 1x a day, famcyclovir 125mg 1x a day) cat is around 2.7 kg
Results: did not get better after 3-4 days, developed yellow nose discharge and lots of sneezing, green mucus occasionally , situation got worse, took cat back at 5th day
March 10, Third visit = dr recommended x rays and labwork, xray shows mild pneumonia, gave heavier dose and new antibiotics for 10 days, did nose lab to see what bacteria. (Amoxycillin 50mg 1x a day, famcyclovir 2x a day, fortiflora) cat around 3 kg
Results: after heavier dose and new antibiotic, improvements showed within 4 days. No more coughing and seems fine, labwork did not cultivate any bacteria. However cat breathes are significantly faster at sleep (40-60 breathes per minute) instead of under 30 before.
Third visit: After 10 days follow-up, no more coughing, but rapid breathing at sleep. Dr. Says its normal since peunmonia doesnt go away with just 10 days of antibiotics that easily. Administrated another 14 days of antibiotics and recommended xray after to see if cleared up by then, if cat gets worse come back earlier. (Amoxycillin 50mg 2x a day, famcyclovir 125mg 2x a day, fortiflora) cat around 3.2 kg
Results: cat started sneezing around 2-3 days, at 4th day, cat is coughing again morning and night, 2 times a day, each time is 10-20 coughs, mucus at times when sneezing. however cat breathes at sleep is no longer rapid and constantly around 30.
I feel the cat is not getting better and wonder if I should visit more vets?