Home Forums Cats Cat pink markings and fur missing

Cat pink markings and fur missing

Published on: June 25, 2024 • By: 1life1chance82 · In Forum: Cats
June 25, 2024 at 04:03pm
Hello Vets, I just noticed my cat has these pinkish markings and has more fur gone. She is usually thin on both sides but this side has more fur missing. She doesnt like me looking at it so had to hold her head, nose and jaw. Hard to take good pictures so hope these help. She is 5 years old, fixed and indoors only. 20240624_22163620240624_22175720240624_221654
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 27, 2024 at 04:56am
Hello - this needs to be looked into.  I wondered about demodex mites, secondary to Something Else.  Demodex mites don't tend to itch; cats do not 'pick them up' from anywhere.  Rather, they live on healthy cats all the time but when there is another, underlying challenge happening, they can proliferate and lead to hair loss.  Such challenges may include endocrine problems, stress, cancer, infectious diseases etc - investigation is therefore a good idea.  Ringworm can also show up (secondary to other problems) like this.  If it is itchy, head or neck pain may also be a concern.  Please therefore take this one seriously and allow a vet to check her out. Will you let us know how she gets on?
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