Home Forums Cats Cat Sneezing With Some Blood

Cat Sneezing With Some Blood

Published on: May 03, 2021 • By: m_mokatt · In Forum: Cats
May 03, 2021 at 02:05pm
Species: Cat Age: ~4 Sex/Neuter status: Male, neutered Breed: Mixed Body weight: ~4kg/9lbs History: He was a stray, I recently adopted him and had him neutered. Clinical signs: He's been sneezing and sometimes when he sneezes some blood comes out. The problem seems to be only related to his left nostril. The left eye has some discharge too. Duration: 1 week Additional info/question: I took him to the vet right away, but they just told me to give him antibiotics for a week. He's still sneezing and losing some blood (very little amounts). He has no fever and doesn't seem to feel sick. He still eats and plays as usual. Are the antibiotics really enough or should I take him to a different vet?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 05, 2021 at 10:35am
Hello!  It is a little unusual to have a systemic infection presenting on just one side of the face like this; unilateral (one sided) discharges do also make me wonder about the possibility of foreign bodies, nasal polyps, dental swellings and other lumps.  However, I would never recommend just changing your vet because a vet on the Internet who has never met your cat wonders something like that; rather it makes sense to call your vet and try to understand what the antibiotics were for, what their expectations are and what their plan is from here.
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