Early January I had to take my 13-year-old cat to a vet (mine was still closed for xmas holidays) because she suddenly stopped eating, drinking and pooping and became lethargic.
During the first visit, the vet found fever (39.5) and retained stools, so he prescribed antibiotics for 6 days and paraffin oil by mouth and keep in touch. The cat, however, was not eating and defecating yet so after 2 days I went back to the vet, he did blood tests (amylase, bun and crea were high) so he deduced that she has CKD.
In short, in 7 days she pooped almost nothing and ate and drank very little.
The following day my regular vet opened so I took my cat in and he found she lost some weight and has an intestinal mass. He did an X-ray (I attached it to know what I am talking about) and said it was a tumor and since she is pretty old it was not worth doing further investigations, let alone surgery. He said the cat has 6 months left and he suggested Monoclonal Therapy, one injection a month.
I helped my cat by feeding her wet food with oil and broth and the following days she defecated stools as hard as stones for 3 consecutive days and then began eating and drinking again, resuming all regular functions. She is acting pretty normal now even though yesterday she began vomiting undigested food.
I was struck by such a devastating diagnosis. I asked my vet about that diagnosis and the monoclonal therapy he offered, he told me it is meant to control cancer cells and prolong her life a little but I am still very confused. What do I do now? Shouldn’t I take further steps to be sure what it is?! What can I ask my vet? Whatever is going to be I do not want to make my cat suffer and I want to be sure to make the best steps I can.
Thanx you so much for any advice.

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