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Cat with fractured spine

Published on: March 16, 2023 • By: bella · In Forum: Cats
March 16, 2023 at 09:16pm
Hello from Morocco. Dear Vets, On Sunday (12.03.2023)  my cat 8 months old Flea- fell down from the balcony and broke her spine as seen from the x-ray below. Since that day, she is in vet clinic, she is stable, can eat alone, has feeling in her back feets but can’t urinate or defecate, but we are still having hope. I was told that she needs a surgery, but unfortunately, no one in Morocco can do it due to the lack of equipments, such as the tomography scan or the CT scan for pets. I am really determined to even take her to Europe just to save her life. Unfortunately all procedures of making her passport is going to take about 3-4 months.   Thank you for your help, guidance and support. Please, have a look at the RTG. Do you think what are the chances for her to be without surgery? Is the surgery necessary? What should I do? Update # 1 The doctor from the vet clinic suggested the mesotherapy. So she is going to have 5 sessions. 6C8E1C88-5709-4252-8682-CF4863FC145632848960-697B-433C-A671-9572C3A7C106
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 16, 2023 at 10:28pm
Hello - We are not a second opinion centre but I hear that you may find a second opinion useful.  There are neuro / spinal surgeons working in the UK and likely Morocco who might give referral opinions on complex cases over a distance, but this is probably something for your vet to research and refer as Flea is their patient.  Where are they up to at the moment?  I have never heard of anyone using Mesotherapy for a case such as this.  A crucial question may be whether bladder / fecal control can be regained.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 16, 2023 at 10:32pm
To answer your question, I would start with a neurological exam  - and the findings from this are not available to me.  Even if they were, I am in no position to give a better opinion than your vet who can see the patient.  I hear that you have the funds and would be interested in specialist, even overseas second opinions if you could get them, and for this would recommend asking your vet whether a referral might be appropriate.  
March 17, 2023 at 12:26am
Thank you so much for your answers. She is still at the hospital in Casablanca, where everyday gets mesotherapy on her back. She is going to stay there for extra 5 days. To take her abroad is really long and complicated process  and as I mentioned before,  Morocco has nobody who is qualified in vet neurosurgeries, in whole country they don’t have tomography for pets.  that’s why I’m looking for any suggestions. Can you recommend any medication and treatment what she should get? All you your advices are truly precious to me.  
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 17, 2023 at 02:03pm
Hello - I think that most UK-trained vets, faced with a cat with a known spinal fracture, would start be performing a neurological examination and reviewing what they have learned, consulting a neurosurgeon for second opinions and prognosis (a reliable idea as to what the outcome will be for each treatment).  As far as I know, even from Morocco, they can consult surgeons in the Uk and other countries for advice.  In general, I wouldnt have expected Mesotherapy alone to heal a broken spine; second opinions should, however, be sought through your vet and not from strangers online.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 17, 2023 at 02:06pm
Perhaps your vet can arrange an overseas consultation to get the information that they need?
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