Home Forums Cats Cat with pancreatitis

Cat with pancreatitis

Published on: March 28, 2022 • By: SaraHao · In Forum: Cats
March 28, 2022 at 10:52am
My cat got diagnosed with pancreatitis on Friday. He was vomiting for four days before I took him to the vet. He is on medication however last night and tonight he has diarrhea. Is this normal or should I bring him back to the vet?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 28, 2022 at 12:10pm
Hello!  I'm glad that you managed to get your cats' pancreatitis diagnosed and that treatment has been given.  Sometimes, diarrhoea can follow vomiting and sometimes it can come and go without causing any obvious problems.  However, on other occasions excessive fluid can be lost through diarrhoea just as it can be lost from vomiting.  This can lead to mild or severe dehydration.   Therefore, it makes sense to get your cats' hydration checked in this situation, especially if they appear flat, tired or 'off.'  Wishing you and your cat all the best.
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