Home Forums Cats Cat wound

Cat wound

Published on: March 29, 2022 • By: lizzy · In Forum: Cats
March 29, 2022 at 11:19pm
A male intact cat decided to adopt us about 3 weeks ago. 2 days ago he came in with a cut just by his left ear. The fur seemed to be pulled put, so I concluded it was q fighting wound  I know about infections as I have had cats all my life. I gently massaged anicura into the wound. But today, he has come in and the scab which had been forming has been rubbed or scratched away, leaving a deeper hole/wound. He is displaying usual behaviours of wanting petting,  cleaning, loving behaviours, ears upright. I know they are masters of disguised pain though  I suppose I'm seeking advice as to whether to keep using anicura or take him to the vet. Thank you for your advice.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 30, 2022 at 02:46pm
Hi Lizzy!  Cat fight wounds are often tiny at the time; the worry is that cats have certain bacteria in their teeth and nails, which find the warm flesh of the skin or muscle, which is also damaged by the force of the bite, and multiply.... And multiply.... And turn into an abscess.   If this is a fight wound and you are going to get an abscess, it might not be obvious yet as that can take a few days.   We would advise calling your vets and asking whether or when they would like to see the cat.    In any case, you should get the cat scanned for a microchip, because it may belong to someone and need reuniting with its owner. Otherwise, if the cat is a stray, you may have a decision to make; are you taking responsibility for this cats' healthcare or are you going to hand them in to a cat shelter?
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