Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello - So let's recap the signs: he not eating or drinking, is seeking out your comfort and seems to be glancing around a lot. I wonder whether your chihuahua might be in pain. This could be joint or neck pain, abdominal (e.g. bladder / kidney / pancreatic) pain or occasionally fear. Dogs are relatively good at hiding pain - they don't necessarily cry out, for example. Other possibilities may include nausea, electrolyte or neurological imbalances, or secondary problems e.g. associated with kidney or liver disease.
Some of these possibilities could be quite serious, so it sounds very much as if your chihuahua needs to visit the vet, in order to rule some of these possibilities in or out. It is worth mentioning that he is not eating and how long it has been going on for, as they might decide to prioritize or see him sooner than usual.
Wishing you and your little one all the best; please do let us know how things go.