Home Forums Cats CKD cat with hematuria

CKD cat with hematuria

Published on: May 06, 2022 • By: kitkat · In Forum: Cats
May 06, 2022 at 04:28am
Beginning in January, my spayed female 16 year old cat has had blood in her urine.   She has had CKD since 2016.  She takes Amlodipine and Benazepril and her b.p. is  148mmHg.  She has taken Zeniquin for 10 days, but the blood persists.  I have another 10 days of of Zeniquin.  When the urine was tested (3x since Jan.) no stones were seen in the bladder, but  due to finances, a full ultrasound was not done.   A Culture and Sensitivity was not done.  Kidney stone?  Cancer? PCV 38% USG 1.015kp pc2 Blood seen in urine clump. pc
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 06, 2022 at 10:36am
Hello!  These are questions for your vet, who clearly already has a good handle on this case.   Questions such as: what are the differentials (possibilities) for causing this blood?  Which ones have we ruled out?  What else to we need to do rule out....? Are good ones.   What is your assumptive diagnosis? Remember that just because your cat has kidney issues, doesn't mean that it has to be the kidneys that are bleeding; even cats with kidney failure can suffer with cystitis (bladder inflammation) too. Best of luck and please let us know how you get on.        
May 08, 2022 at 04:26am
My vet said it wasn't stress cystitis. (I don't know how she would know that.)  Calcification was mentioned.  Bleeding from kidneys was mentioned.  I've tried natural remedies (d mannose, cornsilk), but nothing has helped.  I don't know what to do next.  Finishing the antibiotics, then maybe ultrasound.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 08, 2022 at 03:49pm
Thankyou for clarifying that.  So explicitly, the thing to do next, would be to establish the following, which your vet should have better command of than me: 1)  what the remaining possible explanations for this blood, that haven't been ruled out, are. 2) What difference getting a diagnosis would make.   What difference performing a scan would make / whether it is a good use of what remaining money is left to fund this case 3) What the best plan would be if nothing was found and how likely that is. After that I think, what to do next may come down to a 'there are no ideal answers here what works best for us?' decision.  
June 22, 2022 at 05:21am
Kidney stones, as per the ultrasound.  No bladder stones.  I would like to try a non-surgical natural remedy, chanca piedra.   The following are two products (2nd one is discontinued) that claim they can reduce/eliminate kidney stones.  I am considering a human supplement of chanca piedra in a cat-sized dose (300mg capsule, divided into a 75mg daily dose).   Risks are:  stones getting stuck somewhere in the UT, increasing the effect of her blood pressure medication (amlodipine), and dehydrating her further (diuretic effect).   Screenshot 2022-06-21 at 22-14-15 NATURA PETZ ORGANICS Break It Up! Herbal Medicine for Bladder Stones & Kidney Stones for Cats 90 count - Chewy.comScreenshot 2022-06-21 at 22-13-26 UT Strength STAT For Cats l Urinary Tract Support Medi-Vet
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