Home Forums Dogs Clindamicin + ketoconazole vaginal ovules were inserted into my puppy’s bits

Clindamicin + ketoconazole vaginal ovules were inserted into my puppy's bits

Published on: April 13, 2024 • By: Pips · In Forum: Dogs
April 13, 2024 at 12:08am
Does anyone have any knowledge or experience on why this would ever be done? I can't find anything online about an ovule into any dog's bits. I live in South America. I am trying to create a timeline of my dog's past for the purposes of current vets who feel that understanding her past would help them understand her 'today' and future. there are no medical records. the clinic who inserted those ovules fudged some other info and are not a source of inquiry. I would be so grateful to learn from others as I have not seen this practice mentioned anywhere online. Thanks so much!
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 13, 2024 at 11:58am
Hello!  No, neither have I.  What do you know about the context of this?  Did someone find the tablets (how did they know what they were?) or is it something you've seen done?   There is an "infection" of the womb called a pyometra which is cured surgically, by removing the womb - and generally is caused by internal / hormonal causes, rather than the pet actually catching an 'infection'. I don't know every treatment for every disease of course, but in the UK, I wouldnt expect antibiotics inserted into the vagina for any reason.  Many capsules even require a certain pH (ie stomach acid) before they dissolve.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 13, 2024 at 12:03pm
Hmmm rereading this you use the word 'ovule.'   This is not a capsule containing antibiotics (although the drugs you named are antibiotics).  An ovule is an 'egg' ready for fertilisation.   Could your dog have had fertility treatment?
April 13, 2024 at 05:54pm
it was an ovule like the ones we women would put up our bits when we have yeast infections. they put that up her bits, daily for 7 days  and were very clear about it - i have the receipts and message in which they indicate it was clindacin k .   i am trying to write out something clear that will not be clear. The pee test, on that same day, July 27 2021 was very abnormal. It was done on the day of or day before they did an abdominal ultrasound- they did the pee test that =extracted via the guidance of an ultrasound). I am sorry, i am very sad that i am in this situation as it is one i have been in many times and I never want to be critical of your profession so please don't take it that way. the ultrasound i received was labeled June 26 2021. that is a lie, the images themselves , in the corner, have the date July 27, the same day as the very abnormal pee test and a trichogram that i literally have no idea why it was done though i was told the purpose was to determine why she was scratching her back. The pee test had a ton of leukocytes, beyond 60 a field. it also had a huge amount of red blood cells. there was only a bacteria 1+ on that test- pee test and sediment. sorry, i dont want to add too much info- with or without knowing anything else- i am not trying to be secretive and can share anything- can you think of literally any reason a pee test like that would warrant ovules like the ones women use . here is a link, up her bits with or without any other information? I am just so sad that i am unable to learn anything from local vets or past ones. and that th emore i look into the past the worse it gets, with dates being manipulated or differences in what i was told was injected. i am not trying to even learn what could be wrong with her. i am just trying to write out a list of when she got what meds and what happened and i keep finding terrible things. im sorry. i hope this made sense. no tests were done after that ultrasound/pee tests when both prior blood tests were abnormal. NOTHING was done other than those 7 days of ovules until september 1 and i don't want to over-dump on you as i know so little makes sense. im sorry. i hope  maybe you can offer any suggestions while understanding this likely is unheard of as it seems it is. this link will translate into english in a few seconds. https://www-vademecum-es.translate.goog/peru/medicamento/1424182/clindacin-k-100-mg-400-mg-ovulo?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc and i will add a pic in spanish where you can at least see what they told me what it was. it took me until yestereday to notice that the june 27 ultrasound was really done july 27, and i am just sad on so many levels because ive been told her past defines her today and i can't remotely figure it out enough to put on my spreadsheet that i have been working on for months. i am so sorry because i know that nothing i could ever say will make sense but it's been very isolating trying to make sense of anything, and i am only doing this because i was asked to go back to the past and try to make a list of meds. and what i am finding is so beyond my worst nightmare. i am focusing on this time, may to september 2021, because after that time, i already know that there are so many terrible things that happened that nothing can be learned from those months that followed. if this makes any difference, her first blood test showed mild iron deficiency anemia. her second blood test showed high platelets. these tests, the tricho, the pee test, and the ultrsasound were all done on one day or two consecutive days. if this makes any difference, she was given too many vaccines, or minimally three sets every two weeks, at least two of which included leptos and another one would be given a couple months after. she was covered in petrol before i found her. there were ZERO other abnormalities on the two blood tests other than 1. the mile anemia and 2. the high platelets (may, and june). when these three tests were done in july, i feel something very bad/important was learned and i dont' want to guess what, i just know they put those ovules in her when there was just a bacteria 1+ and the next test, a secretion culture, september 1, showed no bacteria. im sorry. i think i wrote too much or the wrong information and this is my first dog. i had no idea what to ask or how and in another language and i feel terrible asking anything because i feel i am asking how to eat soup with a fork but unless i learn how, my dog can't have a future different from her past, whichi have been told has to do with immune and drug hypersensitvity things. none of her echos can be explained or have been - none make sense. she skews results. please know i am asking for nothing than just your imagination on how a ton of leukocytes and red blood cells in pee  could possibly lead to seven days of that putting put up her bits and im sorry. i feel so bad for asking anything . and i get it if iscared you and im sorrryScreen Shot 2024-04-13 at 13.46.01
April 13, 2024 at 06:53pm
sorry- if this makes more sense in a bigger picture way, i am trying to construct something like this for her life- except i just have thousands of pics of meds that changed frequently and were non-stop + tests. I am trying to create something for a vet we don't have, and my only hope is that maybe a med is out there that won't make her sicker if she becomes sick as i would just want that pain to go away- trying to figure out even the things you see in these pics have taken me months- there are some days that i will never learn what was given- on any level, learning from anyone helps me in general ways that I am asking about in general ways even though i imagine they are not generally experienced- i promise i have asked everyone possible and really at this point just am struggling to try to come up with anything that may help someone reduce future pain for my dog who just turned 3. i am so grateful for any even guesses at that weird ovule thing. thank you so much. i won't ask anythign else. you are so wonderful to help. doing things like this would be so easy with records or even symptoms and results that made sense. so please know that my quesitons are not about trying to diagnose her or even trying to get clarity but anything helps me learn and im sorry and thank you. sorr  Screen Shot 2024-04-13 at 14.46.31Screen Shot 2024-04-13 at 14.45.08
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