Home Forums Dogs Could a vet please advise…

Could a vet please advise…

Published on: January 25, 2023 • By: Yellowduck · In Forum: Dogs
January 25, 2023 at 06:55pm
Would it be possible to give me a ‘ball park’ figure as to the cost of an injection made up of the following medications. A dose of 220ug medetomidine and 6.6mg butorphanol. Thank you
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 25, 2023 at 07:59pm
Hello!   I'm afraid I don't know at the moment as I don't get involved in the business side.  A veterinary wholesaler may be able to help you better.  Also because injections are not always charged in that way;  often the most expensive part of a sedative is the staff time (supervision or monitoring), which may vary according to the route by which they are given (a subcutaneous injection being much less skilled than an IV and requiring fewer staff);  everyone follows a different pricing structure.   Butorphanol is a Schedule 4 drug, so has additional storage requirements.  I hope that something there is helpful.
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