I live with a 21 year old cat. Today he went to the vet, but I was unable to make the appointment.
The vet said he is infested with fleas.
Now, here's the thing: I have been trying to figure out what the wierd black stuff on his back has been for months....the thing is, I have looked, and never found, a flea. More telling, I think, as someone who has lived in homes where flea meds were unaffordable, is the fact that, despite sleeping UNDER THE BLANKETS WITH ME every night, I have never been bitten.
Additionally, the only place this 'flea dirt' is, is on his back. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING othing on his tummy, where the fur is thickest and the skin is warmest, or his legs (even on the outside of hs thighs, which is RIGHT THERE and has much thicker fur, although less meat, bc he's an old man).
I also don't see him scratch/twitch/start like he is being bitten, but I was just told that he may not get itchy if his immune system is giving up (although that does nothing as far as feeling the bites, so I don't know how much I buy that).
He is still, despite his age, a pretty healthy cat with the exception of having kidney/thyroid problems for whick he takes methimazole. Otherwise he is still super cuddly, sassy, and full of personality. He isn't as fastidious about cleaning himself as he once was, particularly his back.
So, is this simply a case of back specific, non-human biting fleas? Could it be something else, and if so is it something worrisome?
Oh, I also gave him a dawn-water dip, which I have done before for foster dogs that were infested, and has always resulted in dead flea floaters... Nuthin, although his fur is much thicker than those I've done that to (if I had ever done it to a husky, I'd feel more confident that they would still shake loose--but particularly since he wanted no part of sitting calmly while submerged, I'm not sure much weight can be put on that).
Either way, I did dose him with the flea meds, to be safe. Still. I would like to know if it isn't, in fact, fleas.
Thank you, and happy new year!