Home Forums Cats Does cats and dogs work independently?

Does cats and dogs work independently?

Published on: January 29, 2023 • By: macmorrison05 · In Forum: Cats
January 29, 2023 at 05:11am
I'm Mac I've only recently joined these forums, and they're fantastic. Please answer my question. I have two Pomeranian puppies at home; they're very friendly and cute, but I'm wondering if I can get a cat because my last son requested a munchkin kitten for his birthday. So I'm wondering if there will be a war at home or if both pets will love each other. My son has already contacted a munchkin cat breeder and set up an appointment to meet the breed in person. Also, please assist me. Please visit their website and advise me on this one. Myland Cattery is the name of the cattery. Website: www.mylandmunchkins.io/  
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 29, 2023 at 07:25am
Hello!  I think it depends on the individual cats and dogs involved.  I do not reccommend short legged breeds - they have been bred from cats with a genetic mutation and although they look cute, can be peobe to oroblems such as athritis.  We do not approve of your advertising on this website and I will be asking for the post to be removed.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 29, 2023 at 07:43am
Hello - my apologies, I see that you are a buyer and not a breeder.  I was momentarily confused with you posting links and thought you were advertising.  The problem with cats - and dogs - with abnormally short legs, which do come about as a result of a genetic mutations as it says on the website - is that the forces applied to the bones by the muscles are abnormal, potentially resulting in arthritis and discomfort.  Cats evolved to be cat-shaped for a reason and it is my belief that in general, the more fundamentally close to a normal cat-shape a cat is, the healthier its joints, heart, lungs / insert other body part affected by anatomical breed-related change here - will be.  Therefore we do not particularly reccomnend these 'designer breed' cats.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 29, 2023 at 07:48am
Regarding their getting on at home, individual animals are different with different needs.  Each animal has its own character and that can play a  bigger role than the breed.  Animals should be introduced slowly, with the option of taking them back if something goes wrong.  Although some people do keep cats and dogs together, it isnt always the right thing for all parties.
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