Good morning,
My 8 YO Male Lab Mix 50lbs, ate the middle part out of my wife's underwear from 5 pair. We have found all of the underwear missing the middle and taken pictures of them, to make sure all of them come out if he passes them. But my question is, this happened 24-36 hours ago, and he is acting completely normal. He has eaten all of his meals, continues to drink, and has had 3 bowel movements since we realized he did this. He only had 1 Diarrhea movement, the other two were large and normal. He went outside this morning, and ate some grass, and threw up bile and grass. He has not thrown up anything else. He has done this in the past, when he was 1 or 2, but grew out of it. I am nervous, and concerned at the amount of fabric he ate, and need some suggestions. Should I just wait it out? I have considered feeding him Chicken and Rice to try and help push it out. If we hadn't of found the underwear, we would have had no idea this happened. He is acting completely normal. Please advise!